There is only one reason for that graph looking like that, the CDC. When you count deaths from terminal cancer, accidents, suicides, and ODs, as Covid19 deaths because the victims had Covid19, you're being dishonest. When you tell hospitals and physicians their word is good enough, don't bother testing, and here's a couple extra thousand for listing it as Covid, you're going to get dishonest numbers. However, the CDC says 120,000 died with Covid19 and there is a 96% comorbidity rate, that means only 4,800 Americans have died OF Covid19, the other 115,200 may or may not have had it in their system when they died and there is no proof it led to their death because infected people with no symptoms are included. The fake news media knows this but they still pump that 120,000 number to scare the shit of the easily brainwashed idiots, like manhole, who has fallen for this bullshit hook, line and sinker. A normal thinking American is FAR more concerned with the common flu than Covid19.